Tuesday June 11

Back to the cardiologist today…after they finally found out about my ER visit Sunday night.

My pulse was still high, despite the changes in meds.

He ordered blood work, and tomorrow, I’m goin’ in for a cardioversion.

They will put me under, and shock my heart in hopes of getting normal rhythm back.

Oh joy.

10 thoughts on “Tuesday June 11

  1. It sounds like they are steering you towards a pacemaker.

    I had always thought that Mel Gibson should have played Pappy Maverick to Luke Wilson and Owen Wilson playing the sons Bart and Bret. That would have allowed the franchise to continue.

      • It was a movie back in 1994.

        I liked the original and the Bret Maverick series with James Garner.

  2. Don’t worry too much about the cardioversion, I had one on April 29. I was walking normally 15 minutes later and I feel great. My pulse now at rest is around 58, stairs are no problem and a mile walk is problem free. Good luck!

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