Monday June 17

Back to rehab today, then a trip to the grocery store.

Upon my return home, I discover it is trash day.

I saw these guys in Dallas at the Holiday Inn where I was staying for a Panasonic copier school, back in ’87 I think.

Hence my brush with greatness.

Rehab folks were happy to see me, since I paid for three sessions. I’ll be back Wednesday, and hopefully finish the rest of I-don’t-know-how-many-more sessions.

Will likely head back to the big city tomorrow for another round of groceries and stop at the liquor store.

Lil’ SIL came by to pick up some “extra” Tylenol 3 I happen to have to alleviate her pain from her surgery.

Oh and the trash is taken care of. I hauled out the trash, and after my shower this morning, and 97 degree temps kicked off my sweating…great.

6 thoughts on “Monday June 17

  1. I saw them at the Fox in Atlanta where they were doing a fundraiser for the Atlanta Fire Department. They sang for 90 minutes. Aretha Franklin was the mainliner and she only sang 3 songs.

    I saw the Dr. today and he threw 4 prescriptions at me. Severe bronchitis that was not far from walking pneumonia.

  2. Yep, trash day for us in Edinburg too.

    Watching to see if that tropical wave brings in enough rain. Supposedly, we are supposed to gain an accumulated 5″ – 8″. Current Falcon Resevoir is about 9% and this might get us another 6% to around 15%. Still a long way to go.


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