Tuesday June 18

I had planned to make another run this morning to the big city, but changed my mind as i was going tomorrow anyway, so the bourbon will have to wait. I may give it up anyway…read on.

Yesterday, after returning home from the big city, I made beef stroganoff, and some chili, since I already had the sirloin thawed out. I sampled both, it would appear no one else was interested. Stroganoff was served with egg noodles, and the chili with BBQ Fritos.

During Lil’ SIL’s visit yesterday, she went on and on about Jack’s new weight loss program, where he gets some shot once a week, and diets, and the weight is supposed to pour off him.

I decided that I could lose as well, and decided to hit the exercise harder, and begin a more serious diet; including one day of fasting. He has a full blown gym, and still cannot lose? Sounds like a willpower issue to me. We don’t really get along that well, as I have concluded.

I got another $5 coupon from the True Value hardware store, and have until July 4 to cash that in.

Also, July 4 means fireworks, and I have been known to stop at the local stand, and pick up some items…for prosperity of course.

It really chapped my ass, but I wrote the check for the incomplete water well repair today. The check was accompanied by a poison pen letter (my specialty)…that’ll teach ’em.

On second thought, there may not be enough money for fireworks this year.

Seems all I do is sacrifice.


8 thoughts on “Tuesday June 18

  1. Is that Stroganoff Soup or Stroganoff Stew? I am partial to the Bavarian Stroganoff Soup. The wife made a big pot of chicken noodle soup this morning. I am going to freeze 2/3 of it.

    The Ozempic diet has become quite popular. I was on Ozempic for the diabetes but it got hard to find it in stock about 4 months into using it. That was about 4 years ago.

      • Stroganoff Soup is basically a thin tomato and beef broth vegetable soup with slivers of beef steak, potato cubes, and a hard roll to dip in it, highly spiced with hot Hungarian paprika (European dish). Stroganoff Stew is ground beef with elbow macaroni with the classic hot but more sweet Hungarian paprika in a tomato sauce (American dish).

        If you have a grocery store with an International foods isle look at the German section for a Stroganoff mix. It will usually be just spices and the broth, meat, and vegetables will need to be added. Stroganoff soup is a good cold weather meal. On a different point, get some German mustard for some hot dogs. It will clear your sinuses.

      • It uses Hungarian Paprika but there are regional variances all over Europe and into America. The Stroganoff Soup that I like best is the Bavarian style. I had a Stroganoff Soup in Switzerland that had a creamy soup with fried gnocchi in it. That was different.

  2. Paying people for work that is shoddy chaps my ass as well. When I had my house replumbed the guy promised all sorts of stuff he didn’t deliver on. No accountability. Maybe we could get a law passed that says we get to taze em if they don’t deliver.

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