Wednesday June 26

Of course, but let’s continue to remind them.

As it happens, the above image is false. Her husband does not own Dominion. ‘Tis John Owens she is married to; not Stephen. This bullshit image came from a trusted source, and is wrong.

Back to rehab today, and find out that I am now signed up for a total of 18 sessions, minus the 6 already done. So, another $200 on the credit card to pay for that.

I’ll be knocked up scheduled through July, and into August.

i did swing by the grocery store as well, and picked up a few items, then filled up the wife’s tank. Gas was $3.52 for mid grade.

No, I did not drive clear across town to throw away the useless trolley jack at Harbor Freight. Maybe next time…maybe as it will likely stay in the car unless I remove it; one way or another.

So, I am done with rehab until next week. I’m starting to figure it out…it’s not just about cardio pulmonary reconditioning, it’s about losing some pounds too. They scold me when I tell them I haven’t exercised since my last visit…frowns…I will have to change that to a daily routine at home…greatgreatgreat..

My BP is up and staying up…no one seems to be concerned. OK so will get more serious about the home exercise…starting tomorrow…


10 thoughts on “Wednesday June 26

  1. Biden’s sister is married to John Owens. He is a lawyer. There is no connection to Dominion.

    I made a trip back to the doctor because I am on my last antibiotic pill and my ear is just as bad as it was 10 days ago. I now have antibiotic ear drops and another kicker of steroids.

      • I did that 3 times a day for 3 days before the first trip to the doctor. I have a different anti-biotic eardrop medicine now. It plugs the ear as it slowly works. This was a fast acting bronchitis with an ear infection. I think my chest is clear but the ear is still F’ed. We will see.

  2. I used to swim in the Olympic-sized swimming pool at the Coast Guard base I was stationed at. The pool was left over from when the base was a boot camp. ‘Coasties gotta be able to swim, y’know… There was this old guy who used to swim there EVERY DAY. This guy was a STEAM ENGINE. He would just start swimming and KEEP swimming. I was in my 30’s and couldn’t hold a candle to him! He never stopped. His form was PERFECT. He didn’t leave a RIPPLE in his wake! I caught him one day in the locker room and told him how impressed I was with his stamina. The guy was obviously an old man, but he had the body of a REALLY FIT person in his 30’s! He told me that his doctor told him that if he didn’t start exercising he’d die, so he started swimming. “I was 82 at the time,” he said. I said “HOLY SHIT! How old are you now???” “96” was his reply…

    Start slow, X, but START!

    …Mid-grade is about $4.60/gallon in my podunk western town…

    • All good advice, TM
      Perhaps a daily “exercise corner” in my blog my would rekindle my interest.
      A pool would be great, although I’ve had one, and didn’t seem to get in it much except for weekend BBQ and such…still, move and keep moving is a good policy.

  3. Maybe making property maintenance count as part / all of your daily workout ? Considering the weather temps we are having, that work will wear a person out. Begin either at sun-up to 10 am or 6:00 pm to dusk, that ought to get work done and count as exercise.

    DON’T OVERDO IT – ITS FREAKING HOT OUTSIDE !! Water breaks and 5 minutes every half hour to cool off should do it.

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