Thursday June 27

I am starting a new ‘corner’ as it were today called (or to do with exercising) The Exercise Minute..

As of this writing I got on the recumbent bike for 1 1/2 minutes before succumbing to breathlessness, which is the problem I have been complaining to the doctors about for nearly 6 months now…I have zero stamina.

My plan for today was to begin the horrific task of deep knee bends, and possibly some light barbells.

As of now, just the minute and a half on the recumbent. Not much, and I don’t see how it can improve with the low lung capacity I have. The bike is set to its lowest resistance. The elliptical has more leeway with resistance, but one cannot sit down, and jumping off of that thing is dangerous is one gets his foot caught on the contraption while trying to dismount.

I did manage to log 7 hours on the Cpap last night, which will keep me in compliance with the insurance company, so they can continue to contribute their mere pittance towards my pulmonary rehab goal.

I finished cleaning the stove after pan frying steaks last night. I did boneless ribeyes rubbed with a homemade steak seasoning and Worcestershire sauce. They were surprisingly very tender.I fried the rest of the bacon too, and that always contributes to the mess on the stove  top, then gotta clean the cast iron.

But then we always feast like royalty when I go to the store…after this, it’ll be dog eat dog.

Lil’ SIL made it home, sore and tired just a while ago. We hope she came through with a benign rating on her biopsy(s).

The kid is off today and tomorrow. She is currently napping, after she did go in to finish some work left over from Wednesday.

I have no dinner plans for this evening, although it’s looking more and more like sammiches, since I picked up some deli meat yesterday. I did not pick up any chips, which are customary to accompany the sammich.



10 thoughts on “Thursday June 27

  1. I have worked up to about 20 minutes of activity outside before I sweat through a shit and at the point of exhaustion. Baby steps.

    The ribeye is my favorite cut of steak. I will only pan sear and oven cook if it is very bad weather outside. They get the grill. I will set them out to let them get to room temperature with a heavy coating of salt to draw out the moisture for an hour. The a cold water rinse and pat dry. I will season with an equal mixture of salt, pepper, and garlic powder are rubbed in. I will take a handful of sage and drop it in a quarter stick of bubbly melted butter then pull it off the heat after a couple of minutes. I will soak both sides of the steak with the butter sage and then it goes on the grill. That is my perfect steak.

    Bacon is a different matter. I have a 14″ cast iron skillet I use to cook bacon. I use Wright thick cut bacon. It goes cold into the oven where it is set for 23 minutes at 400 degrees. It comes up on the low end of crisp, the way I like it. The wife will nuke my cooked bacon for 20 seconds to get it to the crumbly crispness she likes.

    • No grilling outside for me any more in summer.
      Steaks and burgers get the cast iron on the stove.
      I don’t have enough teeth any more for thick sliced bacon; sad, but true. The local grocery sells decent thin sliced bacon 3 lbs for $17. I have several pounds in the deep freeze.

  2. Not meant to be medical advice, only my experience. About 1 1/2 years ago, after 4 ER, 2 Dr Office visits and a PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) I was found to have COPD (Emphysema). Results of 50 years of Marlboro ingestion.

    Tried various inhalers, Spiriva, Advestco, plus others. Found that generic for Advair (Fluticasone Propionate and Salmeterol, a cortico-steroid) works for me. I also have an Albuterol inhaler and liquid Albuterol for a nebulizer.

    I complained to my Dr. that a 15 minute walk would leave me panting and wheezing for a 1/2 hour after, even using my rescue inhaler. He recommended to take a couple of puffs before my exercise and see how that worked.

    Short story long, I now go to the gym for 30 minute workout, 6 times a week on a seated elliptical. Dropped 20 pounds, BP down 30 points and I have better stamina and breathing for the last year.

    Again, just my story and use it how you wish, but I feel better now than 5 years ago, and I am now 75.

    • Thanks for the advice, Fred. I too suffer same, and have had a couple of different inhalers, without much success.
      It would seem that slow, steady exercise may be the trick to build up stamina.
      I am back on the Breztry for now, as it’s all I can afford. I do have the fluticasone nasal spray, that I take every night. It does help, but it’s not the cure.
      My doc has never said those words “COPD” to me.
      I too was a smoker for 35 years.

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