Friday June 28

Well it looks like Tractor Supply had enough of public bitch slapping, and have changed their tune as far as pushing the sword swallowing, carpet munching, cross dressing, fag disaster…

I did not watch the debate; why? the answer is obvious, I would think. The wife did, although I do not know why. She hates it when I get all up at arms over politics; especially Creepy Joe and CNN.

I understand that Trump pretty much mopped up the floor with Creepy Joe Biden throughout.

I wonder if Creepy Joe will go into hiding for a while to recover from all the drugs he took to be able to

a. answer some of the questions

b. keep him from crapping his pants

I see the Supreme Court has also handed the liberals a huge bitch slap on both sides of the liberal agenda as well, concerning the January 6 domestic terrorists, Trump’s involvement, and some failed gun control attempts by the squealing liberals..sooEEEE!!

I got up today, showered and shaved, and went 2 minutes on the elliptical..

Now I am heading to the shed to work on the kid’s shelf unit to fill the hole in the wall left by the a/c replacement.

It’s only 96..

I know the feeling…


all done except for the caulking on the outside

Looks like I’ll be trippin’ in town for a new caulking gun and a couple tubes of caulk. The kid is ecstatic.

It took way longer, as we had to cut down the sides and top/bottom as “someone” did not measure exactly correct…damned Chinese measuring tapes…so we disassembled everything, and cut top and breadth downsize by at least 3/4″ all around.

oh well.

I almost hate admit it, but I am feeling stronger..I must be careful, or I’ll be taking on more chores..

4 thoughts on “Friday June 28

  1. I watched the debate until Joe had the pause and then rambled on. With Trump’s rebuttal of Joe not knowing what he said I switch to a movie channel and watched Lethal Weapon 2.

    I have 3 Stanley Prostock tape measures. Two of them are accurate. The third is not. I can take a 4′ x 8′ sheet of plywood and all three show the correct measurement of the plywood. That third tape I can measure 2′ and make a mark and then go to the other side and measure 2′ and the marks are a quarter of an inch apart. The first 2′ are 1′ 11 & 7/8″ and the second 2′ are 2′ 1/8″. It is that way all the way down the tape. I have a sticker on that one. I used that tape measure for 6 months setting satellite dishes with it. Things were out of alignment until I figured out the tape was off. My boss freaked when I showed him how the tape was off. In the 10 toolboxes 4 of the tape measures had this defect. If you know it is bad it still can be used.

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