Chelsea Clinton…Poor Me

I guess ejaculating onto Lewinsky in the White House doesn’t count?

Talk about disregard for public health…my God! Cover up! There are young children out there!!!

There is a thing here in Texas called coyote ugly…

And then there is a two bagger…

And then there’s Slick Willie spying on his own daughter in the shower

Slick Willie: Hey Chelsea..what’s that on your back?

Chelsea: it’s a ‘love bite’, Daddy. Uncle Joe said it would go away…

Slick Willie: I’m gonna tell your mom!

6 thoughts on “Chelsea Clinton…Poor Me

  1. From Chelsea’s wikipedia profile: Chelsea Victoria Clinton is an American author and global health advocate. There you go, she’s looking out for everyone’s health-just like her mother tried to do.

    In another vein, ever wonder why she is never addressed as: Mrs. Marc Mezvinsky?

    Maybe because it sounds a little like Lewinski??

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