Trouble With MS Outlook For Two Days

I have been unable to log in to Microsoft Outlook for the past two days…anyone else having trouble?

I am running Linux Mint 17…updates are all current.

I am not having trouble with any other website or log in.

I use Firefox for browser.

any ideas anyone?

Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

We can’t connect to the server at

If that address is correct, here are three other things you can try:

Try again later.
Check your network connection.
If you are connected but behind a firewall, check that Firefox has permission to access the Web.

8 thoughts on “Trouble With MS Outlook For Two Days

  1. I typed in in chrome and went straight to it. When I access email i type in the address bar and that takes me to the login site for me.

  2. Different system/browser here, but occasionally not connecting to the net. Willing to bet something’s up.

  3. I am running Linux Mint 19.3 with Firefox (version 83.0 64-bit). I just checked my Hotmail account
    via with no problems.

    I have had login problems before with Firefox. Sometimes you just get unlucky and hit a site
    when it is down and Firefox caches it. After that your stuck as site down. If this is it; to correct the issue you must clear that data.

    The simple test for this is to install another browser that is not Firefox and try to login into the site.
    If the new browser allows you to login, it is a Firefox issue. If you can not login it maybe a network issue. Software Manager which is found under Administration in the Linux Mint Menu makes installing and removing another browser for the test fairly painless.

    If it is a Firefox issue read on.

    Mozilla support has “How to clear the Firefox cache”. Do your research.

    If you choose this route.

    Be selective when in “Cookies and Site Data” use “Manage data”. The data should be listed as

    Using “delete browser history” is the last resort for this fix. This is not dangerous but the side effects sometimes can be a real pain!

    BE SURE you have your password for The stored one, if you use this feature, maybe gone.

    Happy bug hunting and bonne chance.

  4. drop to the shell and run:
    if you get an ip address, and a reply, you linux install is fine. you should check DoH settings in Firefox to make sure they aren’t trying to use a DNS over HTTP server that you block.

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