Cookie Day

I went outside this morning, and began the task of trimming the canes surrounding the house. I did one corner…no hurry. I then discovered that I’ll have to cut off a couple of large branches from one of the Mountain Laurels here, that are rubbing on the roof…later.

I made a batch of refried beans, then made a bean and bacon breakfast taco…delish. Plenty of more supplies for more tacos.

I then whipped up a batch of my favorite chocolate chip cookies.

They came out very nice.

I did not get the Salisbury Steak done last night, so it will have to be done tonight, as the ground beef is now technically expired.

The wife is going to cut up the squashes into deer bite sized chunks, and feed them.

Seems like the more we do, the more we find to do.


Never gets old.

6 thoughts on “Cookie Day

  1. Given that the choice was to remain in Copier Hell I think you made the wiser choice. And the Mrs., the Kid, the Kitties, and the Deer all would agree.

  2. I only did 6 years of Copier Hell as the electronic mechanic. Konica/Royal and Mita from 85 till 91. I was also an IBM Selectric technician and PC technician. We were a 3 tech shop where we also handled sales. I learned retail business and how bad I was in sales.

    I put up 2 quarts of yellow squash. I trashed the zucchini as it was too large. I will harvest them earlier as the larger ones are tough. I had made a trip to the Asian market to get some spices and saw all of the veggies needed for egg rolls on the discount shelf. I made a batch of chicken egg roll this afternoon. My recipe is for 25 egg rolls as that is usually the count of wrappers in a package give or take one. The package of wrappers had 19 in it. I had enough stuffing and shredded chicken for 6 more rolls.

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