13 thoughts on “The Bomb Fell Today

  1. Book a motel early, and it will be cheaper. I’m sure they can get along without you. Just make sure you turn the water off before you leave,

    • I’ve thought about that…they are both vaxxed and double vaxxed; it may not be enough of a deterrent. You see, SIL lives on information to gossip on her FB page, and she is hungry for new meat.

  2. Timing, Tex. It’s all about the timing of your “I’ve come down with Covid” announcement. Just like the dude from Mississippi did for his J6 circus earlier this week. Might want to do yours a couple days before their scheduled departure for your neck of the woods-just in case they were planning on an early arrival to surprise Little Sis. Gotta outsmart the weirdos.

  3. You bust your butt when they visit. However, they don’t help and it doesn’t sound as though appreciate your efforts. I would plan simple, easily prepared meals. Tough crapola if those are not their favorites!

  4. Good point. They are unaware that the new mini split a/c does not cool the extra bedroom. Plus, the bathroom also does not get cooled, and since there is no circulation, the dust buildup in the bath along with the mildew makes me sneeze almost every time I use it. Surprise!

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