Tuesday May 21

If one could find out where this takes place, one could cut the head off the snake.


I made my trek to the small town businesses today; first the pharmacy where I spent 10% of my income on the Trelegy, and off to the other small town to burn my coupons on the Roebic septic tank treatment.

My tub was draining so slow that I was standing in 2 inches of water after a shower. After repeated unsuccessful attempts to use enzyme based drain maintainers, I also picked up a small bottle of Liquid Plumber…I know, I know…no lectures please. That did not help. Upon further examination of the drain itself, I put on a nitrile glove, and pulled out a huge hair ball. That cleared it up.

Hey X! How come you do everything the hard way?


So the wife disappears last night from TV watching, leaving her phone on the recliner. In her absence, SIL called. Since the call was not answered, so SIL hung up. A couple minutes later, I heard the phone give the signal that a message was left. I cared not, as it was SIL.

The wife returned, and for whatever reason, after several minutes, she checked her phone and found SIL’s message transcribed (sorta) in the voicemail section. The wife read it and finally said “would you look at this and see what the hell it means?”

So as not to bore you further, SIL apparently did not hang up on her call to the wife, and as she and BIL left the restaurant, they were accosted by a homeless person, that showed up right when SIL tried her call to the wife (are you with me so far?). The entire conversation was recorded in voicemail, and it just cemented my case that SIL is fucking insane. Too many high blood sugars, and brushes with diabetic coma have fried her pea brain.

My God, she tried to send the homeless person across town to her church where they give food away..but offered no ride…kinda like a sanctuary city, but you can’t stay here…

I starting to believe that even though I have quit smoking over 18 months ago, my taste buds are still acclimating and changing. My latest weirdness is chicken broth. The other night, I made the roast chickens, and I made gravy with the Pioneer mix in a box. It’s easy, and does not require my standing at the stove for additional time cooking the flour and butter, etc. I used chicken broth for the liquid instead of water, hoping to enhance the flavor more like chicken…I thought it tasted funny, but said nothing. The kid said she noticed nothing strange, and though it was good, as did the wife.

Last night, I made the King Ranch using a new box of broth, same damn thing…funny taste, and it was the broth. Now the taste permeated the King Ranch..again, the wife said it tasted fine, as did the kid.

Bottom line: the more time passes after I quit smoking, the more things I used to love to eat, now I cannot stand them.

Like what? you may ask…

Iced tea. I bought 2 giant boxes of the gallon sized tea bags. I can no longer stand drinking tea.

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups…I used to eat a dozen of the miniatures in a sitting, and after they bought me a huge bag, eating them until my face was covered in chocolate, as well as my fingers….now, I hate them.

My carne guisada used to be a joy unbounded, but I no longer enjoy it the way I used to. It doesn’t matter if I used sirloin, round, or chuck roast…

Chili con queso dip…I was a fiend..I would sit with a bag of OTB chips, and a huge bowl of the golden,melted deliciousness…not any more…at least, I don’t enjoy it as much. I prefer to eat it mixed with my own batch of pico de gallo…now that’s great stuff…I used to keep a brick of Velveeta with the Rotel and jalapeño bean dip at the ready for a batch. I needed very little excuse to make a batch..

sigh…as long as I don’t have to dance…


8 thoughts on “Tuesday May 21

  1. Hi Ex. I’m not sure the taste thing is from not smoking. I haven’t smoked since dec.1, 1991, and I have somewhat the same taste problem. Some things just don’t taste right anymore. And some things I didn’t used to like I now like. Bottled water, even fresh from the cooler at the valero, tastes like plastic to me. All of it. Didn’t use to. And the bacon seems to have an odd flavor these days. Don’t know, could be my old age and good looks messing with my brain.

    • Must be the good looks, you handsome devil.
      I have heard other stories from folks about taste buds changing as we age, and especially after quitting smoking, but I heard food was supposed to taste BETTER!

  2. Amal Clooney is a muslim.

    The wife has long thick hair. Anytime the shower drain slows down I pull out the drain snake to remove the hair ball.

    I have been drinking more rye whiskey as I cannot find my preferred Scotch within 50 miles. That has affected my taste buds. My last batch of carne asada for taco’s had no flavor. I used the same store bought adobo sauce for the marinade on the flank steak, no joy. I have also found I need more garlic in my sage butter for steak. BTW: I spent about 2 hours going through your recipes last night looking for a Texas Chili recipe that used finely cubed sirloin but couldn’t find it.

    • I figured she was a raghead.
      My wife and I have our own bathroom. Since I have no hair on my head, the question remains as to where the hairball came from.
      I drink rye at times, and have quite a bit, but it’s a little sweet to be a regular drink for me.
      I use the HEB seasoning for carne guisada, but it cannot defeat the texture of the meat.
      There is no chili recipe on my recipe blog. I have gone to using ground beef exclusively. I did find a recipe last year that used a flat brisket, cut into bite sized chunks…thought I was gonna die.
      Stay with ground beef and Wick Fowler.

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