Wednesday May 22

I slept way in today, and discovered the wife had been up since 7:30…she has had a relapse. She did manage to get an appt for tomorrow at 8:30…

As you may or may not know, the kid lives in my bunkhouse..pretty much rent free. I knew this day would come, when one of the window AC units failed, and was leaking water all over.

So guess where they run to for help?  Ol’ este…

OK so the ac guy is incapacitated for a week or so, so we’ll have to wing it for the ac….for now.

And with that, I must go. I still have dinner, the wife is down, the kid is working miserably, so it falls to me.

It’s always something.

6 thoughts on “Wednesday May 22

  1. Don’t know your exact situation, but if one of the sprogs was living rent free (almost) and had a full time job, they’d be responsible for buying a new window A/c that costs 1/3 of the rent they’d pay living anywhere else.

    Yes, I’ve been labeled an unfeeling @sshole before and it won’t be the last.

    (Since your comments aren’t working like they used to)

    • Agreed. Unfortunately, the wife has the final say on anything to do with the kid. She’s already in to me for $500, has made some huge efforts in paying back…she will do same with this.
      I had a whining crybaby a few months ago, and had to instill new parameters on the comments. Plus. WordPress makes up their own rules without checking with me.

  2. Evaporative or refrigerated?

    Bondo like you use for auto body repair does a nice job of patching rusted out areas on evaporative AC units. Spray cans of auto undercoating work well for plugging small pinholes and sealing surfaces prone to rust.

    I learned these tricks from a super cheap landlord I had many years ago.

  3. Our house A/C had a fart yesterday afternoon. Inside unit kept cycling on – off. Took us about an hour to find the condensate drain pipe had clogged with water boogers (monthly bleach cleansing have been forgotten of late) so the water alarm connected to drain was signalling water presence.

    ‘I feel stupid for not continuing the maintenance – only takes a few minutes a month.’I feel stupid for not continuing the maintenance – only takes a few minutes a month.

    • I’ve not dealt with a window unit before.
      Our old central unit used to clog the drip pan, then overflow into the hallway below. a lot of times a blast of compressed air would do the trick. i have used a wet/dry vac too.

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