Tuesday April 30

Just a quick post.
I took the wife to the doc this afternoon…it took longer than we thought.
I started smelling acetone in the kitchen last night. Both girls denied using any nail polish remover.
‘Twas the kid that googled and found out that it was most likely a refrigerant leak..where’s my great great great…oh. here ’tis.

So, looks like we’re shopping for a new fridge very soon.

10 thoughts on “Tuesday April 30

  1. How far out of warranty is the fridge? The neighbor had a 2 year warranty expire in January on their fridge. The compressor went out in March. They bought another Costco fridge but also got the extended warranty. My fridge is a Lowe’s Frigidaire with the water and ice in the door. It spews ice. I have tried larger glasses but it does not matter. The next fridge will not have ice in the door.

    The roadside veggie stand had a 10 pound bag of onions for $15 – pass. I saw 5 lb bags at the grocery for $7 – pass. I got a 40 pound box of Vidalia onions this morning at Bland Farms for $30. I will be chopping moat to freeze 1/4 cup in cupcake pans and then transfer to 1 gallon ziplocks when frozen.

    • We bought this Whirpool fridge from Lowe’s in 2008…more or less. It has worked fine. It has also survived two trips from the RGV up here and back, and up again after we finally made up our minds to buy this place, so can’t knock it…the timing is extremely bad however.

  2. As Rosanna Dana said in the past – “It’s Always Something !” I can relate a bit – dog vet charged us $150 yesterday for yearly shots and a skin condition diagnosis plus subscription for meds. Not sure how much those meds are going to cost.

    Hasn’t hit us yet, but Hidalgo County raised the house property valuation by about $8000. What improvements did we make – zilch.

    Been sort of lucky with kitchen appliances. Stove and refrigerator are the only original units still here since 1995. Dishwasher – washer – dryer have all been replaced once. Le sigh.


    • Try Colorado-last year most residences went up between 35% and 55%. And that was on top of sky high valuations due to a crazy seller’s market a couple years ago when houses got 10 offers the first day and generally sold for a fair chunk over asking. Beyond crazy. But hey, somebody’s go to pay for all the benefits the fucking illegals are getting from the Communist Party of Colorado.

    • I hear your pain. Two years ago we had a glass guy replace one of the smaller sealed double pane windows in the living room’s big set of windows. Noticed today that it now has moisture in between the panes. Not surprising-it was not a factory replacement but a window shop fabricated unit. So yeah, Murphy is making the rounds and not sitting on his ass drinking hooch.

      • I have often wondered how they do the thing with the double pane glass.
        All the windows here are double pane, but are the 8×10 size; more or less. Reflective glass.
        Works well, but difficult to see outside at night

  3. I have a fridge and a freezer in my garage. I started smelling alcohol all the time and suspected a refrigerant leak. I bought some thermometers, never had a problem with low temps. After a while the smell went away. After a few months I found a bottle of alcohol where a mouse chewed a hole in the plastic. So the moral of the story is don’t give up hope on the thing yet.

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